5567 Past and Present A journal of historical studies
Number 97 (November1982). €7.50
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Lords, Burgesses and Hucksters by R. H. Hilton 3
Symposium: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe: The Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism by Robert Brenner 16
Born Again at Cambuslang: New Evidence on Popular Religion and Literacy in Eighteenth-Century Scotland by T. C. Smout 114
The Ribbon Societies: Lower-Class Nationalism in Pre-Famine Ireland by M. R. Beames 128
The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in New Spain: Myth or Reality? by Henry Kamen and J. I. Israel 144
The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in New Spain: Myth or Reality? A Rejoinder by John J. TePaske and Herbert S. Klein 156
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