8860 Tipperary Historical Journal 2005. €15.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

The Rian Bó Phádraig – Fact or Fiction: the Problems Facing Medieval Roads in the Twentieth Century by Louise Nugent 1
Logainmneacha dar críoch - ach i go. Thiobraid Àrann le Pádraig Ó Cearbhaill 9
Searching for Common Ground: Colonialism and Collaboration in Early Modern Tipperary by John Morrissey 25
Two Classics from South Tipperary: Keating's Foras Feasa and Kickham’s Knocknagow by R.V. Comerford 31
An Dán ‘I dtùis a' Lae dho Phoebus Chiúin' le Liam Dall Ó hIfearnáin le Liam Prút 39
Forgotten by History: the Life and Times of John Lanigan, D.D., D.C.L., D.S.S., Priest, Professor and Historian by James Feehan 43
The Ballad Collection of John Davis White by Denis G. Marnane 61
The Rev. Henry Woodward, Rector of Fethard, 1812-1863 by Kenyan Homfray 87
Interdenominational Co-operation in a Tipperary Parish during the ‘Tithe War' by Elizabeth Farrell 97
Attempted Rising – July 1848 by Brian J. Sayers 105
White v. Gill: Tipperary Famine Clearances Revisited in 1863 by Denis G. Marnane 137
New Tipperary Revisited: the Case of Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry by Gerry Sutton 155
An Cearrbhach, An Lúbadóir is an Gaiscíoch I gClais an Phúca le Liam Mac Peaircín 173
Life with the South Tipperary Volunteers 1914-1921 by Paul Merrigan, from the Bureau of Military History 1913-21 by Marcus Bourke 179
The Excluded Voice? Thurles Folklore by Mary Ó Drisceoil 187
Col S.J. Watson's Locomotives by Patrick Holland 195
Official State Opening of Famine Warhouse 1848, Ballingarry, Co. Tipperary, 21 July 2004 by Thomas McGrath 197
Book Reviews 205
Book Notices 225
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