4337 Tipperary Historical Journal 2010. €15.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Thomas Walsh - Cashel’s Forgotten Archbishop by Seán Ua Cearnaigh 7
Tres Bian: Charles Bianconi: Portrait of a Nineteenth Century (Naturalised) Irish Self-Made Man by Alice McDermott 12
The Last Woman Hanged in County Tipperary by Daniel Grace 21
Saving the Pope: Tipperary’s Contribution to the “Irish Brigade” in 1860 – Part Two by Denis G. Marnane 28
The Life of O’Reilly. An account of the life and times of the climber Anthony Adams Reilly by Kevin Higgins 48
Treacys of Soloheadbeg – Family, Land and Murder: A Very Irish Tragedy by Denis G. Marnane 56
Touring Theatre Companies in Tipperary during the Emergency (1935-1945) by Nancy Leahy 76
Autographs – A Civil War Memoir by Neil Sharkey 87
An Account from the Bureau of Military History Ned O’Leary’s account of the War of Independence in North Tipperary 104
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