9493 The Old Limerick Journal
Number 35. Winter 1998 €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Those Limerick Bells by Finbar Crowe 2
The Soldiers Houses in Limerick by Anthony O'Brien 3
William Frewen: Limerick Famine Scapegoat by Richard Davis 6
Spirits in Bondage by Morgan McCloskey 10
Copsewood College by Fr. Martin McCormack S.D.B. 12
The Limerick City Militia, 1798 by Kieran Kennedy 16
More Urban Townlands: Mount Kennett, Courtbrack & Corcanree by Tony Browne 20
Charlotte Brontë's Kilkee Honeymoon by Thomas J. Byrne 24
The Kidnapping of Dr. Herrema by Ciarán O Gríofa 32
James Apjohn of Pallasgrean, 1795-1886 by Michael Dwyer 34
The Munster Fusiliers and the South African War 1899-1902, Part 2 by Des Ryan 36
The Rugby International at Limerick, 1898 by John Curtin 42
Was the Treaty of Limerick Signed on the Treaty Stone? by A.J. O'Halloran 46
Miscellania 51
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