6969 The Old Limerick Journal
Number 11. Summer 1982 €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

In Praise of Local History 3
Shawn-A-Scoob by Michael Hogan 4
A visit to Limerick - 1952 Part One by Constantine Fitzgibbon 7
The Royal Irish Constabulary by P.J. Ryan 12
The Bruff Agitation by Pius J. A. Browne 13
Daingean Days, Part Two by Sean Bourke 17
Aspects of the 1904 Pogrom by Pat Feeley 18
City of Commerce by Willie W. Gleeson 25
The Life and Letters of Feathery Bourke, Part Two by Jim Kemmy 26
The Limerick Stage 1736-1800, Part Two by William Smith Clark 29
A Southill Story by Kevin Hannan 36
How Many Angels on a 'Pinhead'? by Michael McCarthy 37
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