8768 Seanchas Ard Mhacha. Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society
Volume 16. Number 2. 1995. Patrician Issue. €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Réamhrá xi
The Bishop in the Western Church of the Fifth Century (L'évêque Occidental du Ve siècle) by Jacques Fontaine 1
Caput, Civitas, Oppidum, Borg: Tara a Renowned Fortress by Edel Bhreathnach 22
Further Notes on the Clonmore Shrine by Cormac Bourke 27
Notes on the Topography of Early Monastic Clonard by Elizabeth Hickey 33
Oilithreacht Phádraig le Déaglan de Paor 39
Saint Patrick and How He is Remembered by Seosamh Ó Dufaigh 69
The Cult of Patricius in Europe by Róisín Ní Mheara 83
The Inner Desert of Patricius Filius Calpornii by Tom Hamill 93
The Term Iarann Phádraig ‘St. Patrick's Iron' as ‘Tongs ‘ in Tyrone Irish by A.J. Hughes 103
Tómas Ó Fiaich (1990): St Patrick and Armagh 107
Diocesan Synods and Convocations in Armagh on the Eve of the Tudor Reformations by Henry A. Jefferies 120
Saint Patrick – The Spiritual Legacy by Cardinal Cahal B. Daly 134
The European Outreach of the Early Irish Church by Cardinal Adrianus J. Simonis 145
The Modern Irish Missionary Endeavour by Cardinal Francis Arinze 147
Irish Links with Scotland by Cardinal Thomas J. Winning 154
Healing, Reconciliation, and Peace by Archbishop Derek Worlock and Bishop David Sheppard 158
Patrick – a Light to the Nations by Cardinal Bernard Law 162
Reviews 167
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