7348 Journal of the Wexford Historical Society Number 16. 1996-1997 €20.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

1798: Memory, History, Commemoration by Tom Dunne 5
A Wexford Gentleman Piper: ‘Famous Larry Grogan’ by Sean Donnelly 40
Euseby Cleaver, Bishop of Ferns, and the clergy of the Church of Ireland in the 1798 Rising in Co. Wexford by Patrick Comerford 66
Wexford Workhouse in Famine Times, (1842–1849) by Eddie Carty 95
James Caulfield, Bishop of Ferns (1786–1814) by Dr. P.J. Corish 114
Pierces of Wexford by Austin M. O’Sullivan 126
The Effects of the Great Famine (1845–1849) on the County Wexford Parish of Bannow/Ballymitty by Margaret Unwin 143
A Study of The Ballad Lore of Wexford by Gearóid Ó Broin 156
A Templar’s Tomb by Sean Cloney 165
A note on the Scottish Presbyterians of Duncannon by Ivan Ward 167
Society Proceedings 171
Membership List 175
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