3724 In the Shadow of the Steeple Dúchas – Tullaherin Heritage Society
Number 8 2003. €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Liam Hoyne - A personal appreciation by P.H. Gulliver 8
Tullaherin land purchase dispute, 1916-20 by Mary Cassin 12
William John Hennessy, a Kilkenny-born American artist and his family by John Kirwan 29
Maidenhall Cricket Club by Gilbert Butler 37
"One Continual Warfare": Law land and confrontation on the Shee Estate, 1839-44 by Marilyn Silverman 39
The Fair Green revisited by Joan Cleere 63
The Gaeltacht adventures of Hubert Butler by Eleanor Burgess 67
The Great Famine in Thomastown, 1845-9 by Walter Walsh 77
James Howe and the design for a parterre at Leyrath, Kilkenny by E. Charles Nelson 98
A local connection with Robert Emmet by Seamus Corballis 109
Property ownership at Grennan and Jerpoint Abbey, 1711-1826 by Liam Hoyne 112
Conservation works about to commence on Tullaherin Round Tower by Colm Murray by 138
Thomastown National Schools in the nineteenth century: the role of the Roman Catholic clerical manager by Joe Doyle 147
Book Reviews 165
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