7301 Archaeologia Cambrensis
Volume CXLVIII 1999. €15.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Notes on the President vi
Presidential Address: The Cistercians in Wales and Yorkshire by Lawrence Butler 1
Survey of Prehistoric and Romano-British Settlement in North-West Wales by George Smith 22
Excavations by R.G. Livens, between 1971 and 1974, on the Enclosed Hut Group near Cae Metta, Llanddeiniolen (Caern.) edited with added commentary by Neil Fairburn 54
Iron Age Promontory Fort to Medieval Castle? Excavations at Great Castle Head, Dale, Pembrokeshire 1999 by Peter Crane 86
Welsh Seals at Canterbury by David H. Williams 146
Cefn Mably, Glamorgan. An Architectural and Archaeological Survey of a grand country house, 1998-2000 by J. Kate Howell with a contribution by Nigel Nayling 154
Oak at Cefn Mably, Glamorgan by William Linnard 190
Two Views of Cefn Mably, Glamorgan by Donald Moore 194
Shorter Contributions
Reuniting the Dyffryn Ardudwy Pendants by Steve Burrow 203
A fresh look at Ystum Cegid Isaf Megalithic Tomb (Caern.) by Frances Lynch 207
The Neath Abbey Foundation Charter, Glamorgan by Lawrence Butler 214
Notes on Contributors 217
Reviews and Notices 219
Periodical Literature 254
Association Activities and Business 260
Index of Contents 300
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