Coolfin Books |
Coolfin Books |
Bridge Street |
Portlaw |
New Books March 2023 |
Co. Waterford |
9960 |
Jean Agnew & Maria Luddy.
The Drennan-McTier Letters 1776-1793 Volume 1. Irish Manuscripts Commission. 1998. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€30.00 |

7809 |
Allison, R. S.
The Seeds of Time. Being a short history of the Belfast General and Royal Hospital 1850/1903. Brough, Cox and Dunn Ltd. 1972. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€30.00 |

8889 |
Bennett, Isabel (Ed.).
Excavations 1997 Summary accounts of archaeological excavations in Ireland. Wordwell. 1998. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€10.00 |

5355 |
D. George Boyce & Alan O'Day.
The Making of Modern Irish History: Revisionism and the Revisionist Controversy. Routledge. 1996. Paperback. |
€12.50 |

5419 |
George Carew & Standish O'Grady.
Pacata Hibernia: Or, A History of the Wars in Ireland, During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Volume 1. Kessinger Publishing. n.d. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8790 |
Carey, Neil.
Famine Times in Kells, Co. Kilkenny. KRETE. 1996. Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

9655 |
Corish, Patrick Raymond.
Bagnel Harvey and Wexford 1798 Advocate for The People. Patrick Raymond Corish. 2022. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9245 |
[Cork Interest]. Journal of the Cork Historical & Archaeological Society.
Volume 104. Cork Historical & Archaeological Society. 1999. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8866 |
[Cork Interest]. Journal of the Cork Historical & Archaeological Society.
Volume 116. Cork Historical & Archaeological Society. 2011. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8867 |
[Cork Interest]. Journal of the Cork Historical & Archaeological Society.
Volume 117. Cork Historical & Archaeological Society. 2012. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8868 |
[Cork Interest]. Journal of the Cork Historical & Archaeological Society.
Volume 120. Cork Historical & Archaeological Society. 2015. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

5411 |
Costello, Con.
Kildare: Saints, Soldiers & Horses. Leinster Leader Ltd. 1991. Paperback. |
€25.00 |

8844 |
[County Kildare Archaeological Society].
Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society. Volume III Number 1 (July Number 1899). Paperback. |
€20.00 |
7512 |
[County Kildare Archaeological Society].
Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society. Volume IV Number 3 (January Number 1904). Paperback. |
€20.00 |

9355 |
[County Kildare Archaeological Society].
Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society. Volume XVIII (1992-93). Paperback. |
€20.00 |
9247 |
[County Kildare Archaeological Society].
Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society. Volume XXI Part 1 (2016-2017). Paperback. |
€20.00 |
6390 |
[Cumann Seanchais na Banndan].
Bandon Historical Journal. 2000 (16). Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

5264 |
[Cumann Seanchais na Banndan].
Bandon Historical Journal. 2007 (23). Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

4719 |
[Cumann Seanchais na Banndan].
Bandon Historical Journal. 2011 (27). Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

5328 |
[Cumann Seanchais na Banndan].
Bandon Historical Journal. 2013 (29). Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

10368 |
Cummins, Patrick J.
"Emergency" Air Incidents South-East Ireland 1940-1945. Aviation History (Ireland). n.d. Paperback. |
€25.00 |

9927 |
Cunningham, Bernadette.
Calendar of State Papers Ireland Tudor Period 1566-1567. Irish Manuscripts Commission. 2009. Hardcover. |
€65.00 |

7252 |
Angelique Day & Patrick McWilliams
Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland Volume 22: Parishes of Co. Londonderry VI 1831, 1833, 1835-6 North-East Londonderry. Institute of Irish Studies. 1993. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

4766 |
De Courcy Ireland, John.
Wreck and Rescue on the East Coast of Ireland. Glendale Press. 1983. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€50.00 |

8968 |
Journal of the Old Waterford Society. Number XXXIV (Spring 1987). Journal. |
€15.00 |
8969 |
Journal of the Old Waterford Society. Number 44 (1991). Journal. |
€15.00 |
8970 |
Journal of the Old Waterford Society. Number 45 (Spring 1992). Journal. |
€15.00 |
8869 |
Journal of the Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society. Number 53 (1997). Paperback. |
€20.00 |
8375 |
Owen Doyle & Colm Walsh.
Graiguenamanagh Families … A trip down memory lane. Graiguenamanagh Historical Society. 2006. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

9346 |
[Dublin Historical Record].
Volume XI Number 2 (March-May 1950). The Old Dublin Society. Pamphlet. |
€7.50 |
9334 |
[Dublin Historical Record].
Volume XVIII Number 3 (June 1963). The Old Dublin Society. Pamphlet. |
€7.50 |
9380 |
[Dublin Historical Record].
Volume XVIII Number 4 (September 1963). The Old Dublin Society. Pamphlet. |
€7.50 |
9338 |
[Dublin Historical Record].
Volume XIX Number 2 (March 1964). The Old Dublin Society. Pamphlet. |
€7.50 |
6687 |
[Dublin Interest].
Heritage Trail: A Signposted Walking Tour of Dublin. The Dublin City and County Tourism Organisation Ltd. c.1990. Pamphlet. |
€2.00 |

5707 |
Duffy, John.
The Slaney: from Source to Sea. John Duffy. 2006. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

9776 |
Duffy, Sean.
Medieval Dublin II Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2000. Four Courts Press. 2001. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€30.00 |

9000 |
Egan, P.M.
History, Guide and Directory of County and City of Waterford. P.M. Egan. c. 1894. Hardcover. |
€300.00 |

8344 |
The Irish American Cultural Institute. Volume XI Number 2. Samhradh/Summer 1976. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8343 |
The Irish American Cultural Institute. Volume XXVI Number 2. Samhradh/Summer 1991. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8466 |
The Irish American Cultural Institute. Volume XXVII Number 3. Fomhar/Fall 1992. Paperback. |
€7.50 |

10016 |
The Irish American Cultural Institute. Volume XXXVII Numbers 3 & 4. Fómhar/Geimhreadh-Fall/Winter 2002. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8739 |
P. Beryl Eustace & Olive C. Goodbody.
Quaker Records Dublin Abstracts of Wills. Irish Manuscripts Commission. 1957. Hardcover. |
€35.00 |

5345 |
Farley, Fidelma.
This Other Eden. Cork University Press. 2001. Paperback. |
€7.50 |

7339 |
Feehan, John.
Fraoch Mόr Mhaigh Rechet. The Great Heath, Portlaoise, County Laois, Ireland. Department of Environmental Resource Management, UCD. n.d. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

7266 |
John Feehan & Alison Rosse.
An Atlas of Birr. Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College Dublin in association with Offaly County Council. c. 2005. Hardcover. |
€40.00 |

8187 |
Fitzgerald, John.
Kilkenny City & County People Places Faces. Callan Press. n.d. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

8638 |
Fitzgerald, William G.
The Voice of Ireland. [Glór na hÉireann] A Survey of the Race and Nation from all Angles by the Foremost Leaders of Home and Abroad. Virtue & Co. Ltd. c. 1930. Hardcover. |
€150.00 |

8890 |
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Madeline O'Brien & Paul Walsh.
Archaeological Investigations in Galway City, 1987-1998. Wordwell. 2004. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€40.00 |

7154 |
FitzSimons, Peter.
The Catalpa Rescue. Constable. 2019. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9003 |
Joseph Forde, Christina Cassidy, Paul Manzor & David Ryan.
The District of Loughrea Volume I History 1791-1918. Loughrea History Project. 2003. Paperback. |
€50.00 |

8555 |
[Geographical Society of Ireland].
Irish Geography Volume 17 (1984). Geographical Society of Ireland. Paperback. |
€10.00 |
8556 |
[Geographical Society of Ireland].
Irish Geography Volume 19 Part 1 (1986). Geographical Society of Ireland. Paperback. |
€10.00 |
8557 |
[Geographical Society of Ireland].
Irish Geography Volume 20 Part 1 (1987). Geographical Society of Ireland. Paperback. |
€10.00 |
8558 |
[Geographical Society of Ireland].
Irish Geography Volume 21 Part 1 (1988). Geographical Society of Ireland. Paperback. |
€10.00 |
5779 |
Geraghty, Hugh.
William Patrick Partridge and his times (1874-1917). Curlew Books. 2003. Paperback. |
€30.00 |
7203 |
Guerin, Michael.
The Lartigue Listowel & Ballybunion Railway. Lartigue Centenary Committee. 1988. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

7711 |
Hayes, Melanie.
The Best Address in Town: Henrietta Street, Dublin and Its First Residents, 1720-80. Four Courts Press. 2020. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€35.00 |

7625 |
[History Ireland]. Volume 8 Number 3. Autumn 2000. |
€5.00 |

7626 |
[History Ireland]. Volume 8 Number 4. Winter 2000. |
€5.00 |

7627 |
[History Ireland]. Volume 9 Number 1. Spring 2001. |
€5.00 |

7628 |
[History Ireland]. Volume 9 Number 2. Summer 2001. |
€5.00 |

9999 |
[Irish Family History Society].
Irish Family History: The Journal Of The Irish Family History Society. Volume XV. 1999. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

9772 |
[Irish Georgian Society].
Bulletin of the Irish Georgian Society. Volume XXXVIII. 1996-1997. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

6131 |
Kelleher, George D.
The Gunpowder Mill at Ballincollig. An Extract from Gunpowder to Guided Missiles, Ireland's War Industries. John F. Kelleher. 1993. Pamphlet. |
€7.50 |

8926 |
[Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society].
Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. Number 14. 1981. |
€20.00 |

8927 |
[Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society].
Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. Numbers 15-16. 1982-3. |
€20.00 |

8930 |
[Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society].
Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. Number 19. 1986. |
€20.00 |

8935 |
[Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society].
Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. Number 24. 1991. |
€20.00 |

9111 |
Kierse, Sean.
Historic Killaloe A Guide to its Antiquaries. Boru Books. 1983. Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

8370 |
Knox, David Blake.
The Killing of Thomas Niedermayer. New Island Books. 2019. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8808 |
Laffey, James.
Foxford Through the Arches of Time. Michael Staunton and Kitty Turnbull. 2003. Paperback. |
€25.00 |

9489 |
[Limerick Interest].
The Old Limerick Journal. Number 21. Autumn 1987. Magazine. |
€10.00 |

9493 |
[Limerick Interest].
The Old Limerick Journal. Number 35. Winter 1998. Magazine. |
€10.00 |

9494 |
[Limerick Interest].
The Old Limerick Journal. Number 43. Summer 2009. Magazine. |
€10.00 |

9495 |
[Limerick Interest].
The Old Limerick Journal. Number 44. Winter 2010. Magazine. |
€10.00 |

8830 |
Longfield, A.K.
Some Irish Churchyard Sculpture. Gifford & Craven. 1974. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

7151 |
Mannion, Karen (edited and compiled by).
Croí Chonamara. Connemara Heartland. The History of Ballinafad, Recess and Bun na gCnoc. B.R.B Community Council. 1998. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8222 |
McHugh, Roger J.
Carlow in '98 the autobiography of William Farrell of Carlow. Browne & Nolan. 1949. Hardcover. |
€20.00 |

5626 |
McMullen, Kieran E.
Weapons of the Easter Rising. Kilmainham Tales Teo. 2018. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8294 |
McNeil, Charles.
Registrum de Kilmainham: Register of Chapter Acts of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in Ireland, 1326-1339, Under the Grand Prior, Sir Roger Outlawe.
Irish Manuscripts Commission. n.d. Hardcover. |
€50.00 |

9550 |
[Meath Archaeological and Historical Society].
Ríocht na Mídhe. Volume II Number 2. 1960. Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

9552 |
[Meath Archaeological and Historical Society].
Ríocht na Mídhe. Volume III Number 2. 1964. Pamphlet. |
€15.00 |

9554 |
[Meath Archaeological and Historical Society].
Ríocht na Mídhe. Volume III Number 3. 1965. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9555 |
[Meath Archaeological and Historical Society].
Ríocht na Mídhe. Volume III Number 4. 1966. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9295 |
[The Military History Society of Ireland].
The Irish Sword. Volume II Number 5. 1954. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9296 |
[The Military History Society of Ireland].
The Irish Sword. Volume II Number 6. Summer 1955. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9297 |
[The Military History Society of Ireland].
The Irish Sword. Volume II Number 7. Winter 1955. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

9299 |
[The Military History Society of Ireland].
The Irish Sword. Volume II Number 8. Summer 1956. |
€15.00 |

8642 |
Mullin, T.H.
Limavady and the Roe Valley. Limavady District Council. 1983. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€30.00 |

6966 |
[Nineteenth Century]. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee for
Privileges to whom the Petition of The Right Honourable Charles Stanley, Viscount Monck in Ireland claiming the right to vote as an Irish Peer at the
Elections of Peers to represent the Peerage of Ireland was referred.
1849. Hardcover. |
€25.00 |

8604 |
O'Carroll, Gerald.
The History of Tralee: Its Charter and Governance. Gerald O'Carroll. 2009. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

9023 |
O'Conor, Charles.
Columbanus ad Hibernos; or, A Letter from Columban To his Friend in Ireland, on the Present Mode of Appointing Catholic Bishops in his native country.
Sold by Payne, Pall Mall; and Egerton, Charing Cross, London;-and by Archer, and Fitz-patrick, Dublin. 1810. Hardcover. |
€25.00 |

5272 |
O'Keeffe, Hélène.
To Speak of Easter Week: Family Memories of the Irish Revolution. Mercier Press. 2015. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€10.00 |

6470 |
[Old Bray Society]. Bray Historical Record. Journal of the Old Bray Society.
Volume 1 Number 2. 1986. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

5502 |
[Old Bray Society]. Bray Historical Record. Journal of the Old Bray Society.
Number 4. 1990. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

6612 |
[Old Bray Society]. Bray Historical Record. Journal of the Old Bray Society.
Number 6. 1994. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

9902 |
[Old Bray Society]. Bray Historical Record. Journal of the Old Bray Society.
Volume 1 Number 7. 2000. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

8062 |
Old Kilkenny Review.
Journal of Kilkenny Archaeological Society. Number 49 (1997). |
€15.00 |

7409 |
Old Kilkenny Review.
Journal of Kilkenny Archaeological Society. Number 50 (1998). |
€15.00 |

8857 |
Old Kilkenny Review.
Journal of Kilkenny Archaeological Society. Volume 57 (2005). |
€15.00 |
8058 |
Old Kilkenny Review.
Journal of Kilkenny Archaeological Society. Volume 60 (2008). |
€15.00 |

7902 |
Oram, Hugh.
Where to go in the South-west of Ireland. Appletree Press. 1985. Paperback. |
€5.00 |

9117 |
O'Shea, Mary.
Parish of Templeorum a historical miscellany. Mary O'Shea. 1999. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

9110 |
O Taidhg, Aiḃistín.
Aċaḋ Mór. n.d. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

10003 |
Reynolds, John J.
Statement of the Claim for the Return to Dublin of the 39 Lane Bequest Pictures now at the Tate Gallery, London. Dublin Corporation. 1932. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

7901 |
Roberts, Jack.
Antiquities of West Cork. Illustrated Map & Guide. Key Books. n.d. Pamphlet/Map. |
€10.00 |

7998 |
[Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland].
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Fifth Series Volume III Part I. First Quarter March 1893. Paperback. |
€5.00 |

8007 |
[Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland].
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Volume XXXIII Part 4. 31 December 1903. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8008 |
[Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland].
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Volume XXXIV Part 2. 30 June 1904. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

6908 |
[Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland].
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Volume LXXVIII Part I. 30 June 1938. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8953 |
Ryland, Rev R.H.
The History, Topography and Antiquities of the County and City of Waterford. Wellbrook Press Ltd. 1982. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€50.00 |

5337 |
Salter, Mike.
The Castles of Ulster. Folly Publications. 2004. Paperback. |
€10.00 |

8768 |
[Seanchas Ard Mhacha].
Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society. Volume 16 Number 2. 1995. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

8769 |
[Seanchas Ard Mhacha].
Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society. Volume 18 Number 1. 1999-2000. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

8770 |
[Seanchas Ard Mhacha].
Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society. Volume 18 Number 2. 2001. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

8771 |
[Seanchas Ard Mhacha].
Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society. Volume 20 Number 2. 2005. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

9045 |
Seymour, Mrs. Francis J. [An Old Inhabitant].
A Hundred Years of Bray and its Neighbourhood. Hodges, Figgis and Co Ltd. 1907. Hardcover. |
€40.00 |

8746 |
Shaw, Harry Percival.
Romantic Inishowen. Ireland's Wonderful Peninsula. Hodges, Figgis and Co Ltd. 1947. Hardcover c/w Dust Jacket. |
€60.00 |

8914 |
Simington, R.C.
The Civil Survey 1654-1656. Volume IV. County of Limerick with a Section of Clanmaurice Barony, Co. Kerry. Irish Manuscripts Commission. 1938. Hardcover. |
€50.00 |

6526 |
Sweeney, Pat.
Liffey Ships & Shipbuilding. Mercier Press. 2010. Paperback. |
€5.00 |

8894 |
[The Thomond Archaeological Society].
North Munster Antiquarian Journal. The Thomond Archaeological Society. Volume II Number 1. Spring 1940. Pamphlet. |
€10.00 |

8895 |
[The Thomond Archaeological Society].
North Munster Antiquarian Journal. The Thomond Archaeological Society. Volume II Number 3. Spring 1941. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

9842 |
[The Thomond Archaeological Society].
North Munster Antiquarian Journal. The Thomond Archaeological Society. Volume XIII. 1970. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

9843 |
[The Thomond Archaeological Society].
North Munster Antiquarian Journal. The Thomond Archaeological Society. Volume XIV. 1971. Paperback. |
€20.00 |

9109 |
[Tipperary Interest].
Carrick-on-Suir Carraig na Siuire. Carrick-on-Suir Development Association. 1983. Pamphlet. |
€5.00 |

8860 |
[Tipperary Interest].
Tipperary Historical Journal. County Tipperary Historical Society. 2005. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

8861 |
[Tipperary Interest].
Tipperary Historical Journal. County Tipperary Historical Society. 2006. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

10158 |
[Tipperary Interest].
Tipperary Historical Journal. County Tipperary Historical Society. 2014. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

6878 |
[Ulster Archaeological Society].
Ulster Journal of Archaeology 2nd Series. Volume IX Part 4. October 1903. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

6883 |
[Ulster Archaeological Society].
Ulster Journal of Archaeology 2nd Series. Volume XI Part 1. January 1905. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

6884 |
[Ulster Archaeological Society].
Ulster Journal of Archaeology 2nd Series. Volume XI Part 2. April 1905. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

6885 |
[Ulster Archaeological Society].
Ulster Journal of Archaeology 2nd Series. Volume XI Part 3. July 1905. Pamphlet. |
€20.00 |

10084 |
[Westport Historical Society].
Cathair na Mart Journal of the Westport Historical Society. Volume 10 Number 1. 1990. |
€10.00 |

9887 |
[Westport Historical Society].
Cathair na Mart Journal of the Westport Historical Society. Number 16. 1996. |
€10.00 |

9888 |
[Westport Historical Society].
Cathair na Mart Journal of the Westport Historical Society. Number 29. 2011. |
€10.00 |

10369 |
[Wexford Historical Society].
Journal of the Wexford Historical Society. Number 13 (1990-91). Paperback. |
€20.00 |
5528 |
Brian M. Walker, Art Ó Broin & Seán McMahon.
Faces of Ireland: A Photographic and Literary Picture of the Past 1875-1925. Appletree Press. 1984. Paperback. |
€15.00 |

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